This is only another example of the deleterious effects of eating at McDonalds. After looking at the brain rot of Trump and copious amounts of other data, the correlational relationship between McDonalds and corporate evil is very strong.

Ok, my response is tongue-in-cheek but still may be true. 😜

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If the US had listened to and voted for Bernie Sanders, this might not have happened.

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Hey Nina, could this b your next book brewing I hope?

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I feel like I'm tied to this story at second remove. My former husband, Ken Howard, was in "Michael Clayton," and the Unabomber was in my present husband's class at Harvard College.

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I read somewhere that young Mr. Mangione had some kind of back injury. Anyone know more about this?

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"The fact that McDonald’s doesn’t offer its employees health insurance also came up." Can't wait to learn more about this guy and why he's so upset about the screwing everyone else in American seems to have gotten used to taking with a smile. Nice, Nina. Restacking.

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I'm wondering about Mangione's family and personal history, e.g., did someone die because health care was denied? I'm also wondering how long before Luigi's image starts appearing on T-shirts. Maybe it's already happened?

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Because he comes from a moneyed family, I would say no one close to him suffered from denial of insurance.

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Where are you finding info about his family?

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Facebook is not letting me post this. I’ve tried 3x

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My re-post is still up, but it's only been 5 minutes. Will report back if anything changes.

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