Jun 12Liked by Nina Burleigh

Great observations as always. I would add: Completely missing from the narrative about the rule of law is the political motivation and chicanery of this prosecution. Pundits are self-censoring because they don’t want to be accused of reacting like the right-wing media did about the Trump trial.

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Jun 13Liked by Nina Burleigh

Plenty of parents have sons/daughters who are an embarrassment. Trump (a chronic drug abuser, himself) has atleast two embarrassing, drug-using kids, with one widely known as “McSniffles” for HIS drug abuse. I can’t control the choices of my grown kids, and neither can Joe Biden.

What is MORE alarming is the uneven “justice” meted out in this country. Hunter Biden got crucified with his gun charge. Do you know how many drug users-dealers in the Midwest get that charge dropped? I personally know of a female arrested for dealing, possession (and it was a considerable amount), with a gun —and it was her SECOND felony conviction. They dropped the gun charge and she did less time than she did for the first conviction. It’s an outrage. So, whether Hunter deserves it or not, his sentencing and convictions will be much worse than the “norm.” And THAT’S political.

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No foreign despot ever claimed to have Hunter in their pocket, and the PDBs aren't at his disposal

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Jun 12Liked by Nina Burleigh

Yeah, and what about that Ben Ghazi guy? Republicans want to know.

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After a 7 year investigation into the Biden family Hunter Biden was guilty on 3 counts.

Just 1 thing: he's not running for President, he's a private citizen.

Trump a convicted Felon on 34 counts is running for President!

This Bye-Don 2024 shirt is a must have 👇 🤣


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This was wholly unnecessary and was absolutely a political stunt. Just like the case against Fani, which reeks of obstruction of justice. Republicans don't respect the law and they never did.

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The District Attorney for the state of Delaware was a Trump appointee who was allowed to stay by the Biden administration.

Robert Hur-Trump appointee.. He did not recommend charges against the president.

You keep making allegations that have not stood up to any scrutiny for congressional oversight.

Trumps behaviors keep leading to indictments and felony convictions.

Felonious VonSchitzenpants is literally facing the possibility of a life sentence for his corruption and attempts to overthrow the government.

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You make your usual great points. The juror said it all - heartbreaking. And so very political…I say give them enough rope…

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Morgan Stanley reported the Biden family the FBI in 2015 - during Obama admin - for numerous suspicious payments and transfers. If you believe Nina, I feel badly for you. She's just lying to to you in order to cover for the Biden's. https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/whistleblower-concerns-about-hunter-biden-firms-first-surfaced

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Chuckling at this absurd nonsense. Let's lay out some clear thinking.

1. Why are we talking about George W. Bush? What the hell does he or his family have to do with anything? You'd find MAGA would be happy to lock up folks on the Right or Left who sell out their office. This is a classic distraction technique and it;s actually the 'whataboutism' she apparently decries when it comes from her enemies. In other words, her argument is just hyperbolic rhetoric.

2. Hunter's being prosecuted for BS crimes to give him a pass on the influence peddling. One little factoid this dissembler Nina didn't mention is that paying bribes to family member of politicians is a crime. The idea that you can get around influence peddling and bribery charges by sending the money to their families is ridiculous. Note she also doesn't mention that DoJ intentionally let the statute of limitations run out on all the tax fraud Hunter committed (smoking gun evidence, he'd have done 20 years over). The real reason they didn't pursue any of this is that it would all lead to the Biden families corruption.

3. Note she doesn't mention that at this point, the Biden family has been shown to have received 35 million+ from private interests in the following countries. Romania, Russia, Kazakstan, China, Ukraine - could there be a list of more corrupt nations on the planet? This is all since he became VEEP in 2009. There is zero explanation for these revenues. Various financial institutions filed 220 SARs to the Treasury dept, Suspicious Activity Reports wrt wire transfers from questionable places, and if you had one you'd be in trouble. Morgan Stanley put a slide deck together and presented it to the Treasury contact they had with all this and much more. And nothing happened. Apparently this is good news for Nina.

Nina seems to think the important thing to do is talk about 'whataboutism' the Bushes and most of all protecting some kind of narrative she is wedded to versus dealing with the Biden Crime Family. I'm happy if Bushes, Cheney's and everyone else goes to jail for real crimes. Why aren't you happy to see the Biden family investigated further? Pretending the gun charges were all there is against him is so dishonest.

This is puerile propaganda, it's not even good propaganda. Weak, very weak...don't fall for this junk.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

I could have done whataboutism wrt your DL and family. Kushners billions (with a B) from Arab potentates, Trump family hotels and golf courses enriched by favor seekers from around the globe, while he was in office. And that's just what we know, but we have not world enough nor time. There's more of course. But the only whataboutism you need to remember is one convicted felon is running for President and the other is not.

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He reads Christopher Ruffo🤣😂🤣

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Yah, he's a 100x better writer than this partisan hack, and is also ethical. You should try having some ethics too...

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I mentioned the Kushner situation, it's nowhere near the smoking gun you claim it is. As well, Trump is in the hotel business.. Unlike corrupt, hack, life-long politicians on the Left such as the Clintons, the Obamas and the Biden Crime Family, they actually had real businesses. As for what I 'need to worry about' who in the hell do you think you are? So arrogant and such a partisan hack. That you can ignore the 10s of millions of pure influence peddling money to the Bidens in such a clear illegal scheme makes you pathetically dishonest and partisan.

Funniest? You seem to think ginning up BS charges and then violating all due process and normal practices in a court room make Trump a 'felon'? Lol. Nope. All Dem lowlifes have proved is how craven and unethical they are. You also seem to be impressed with your article - it's garbage. Get that. Weak agitprop.

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Facts? WHERE IS THAT WRITTEN? WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT INFORMATION? If you can’t give reliable, valid references, STFU. You are spreading misinformation. And who are YOU to tell people they are “confused” about any case? What an arrogant, brainwashed, gaslighting ass. Show some references. “WAR ON THE WEST”—why don’t you just call yourself “TRAITOR” or “FOREIGN AGENT” or “PAID BY RUSSIA?” You are nothing but a troll.

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Nina - You’re a deceptive hack. Move along.

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You are the troll—YOU move along and troll elsewhere. Traitor, POS. Too stupid and ignorant to understand the importance of VALID references . . .

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I block chickenshit hack conspiracists.

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Ooooh, another internet tough guy. Tell me, hack, what conspiracy am I peddling here? Care to make an actual point versus just posing?

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Care to show some references? Care to quit flame throwing? Care to return the checks you cash from Russian misinformation outlets, TROLL?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Nina Burleigh

Please man: the right has been trying this bs since before Biden was elected. Give it a rest. Nobody believes you. There's no evidence.

Also EL OH EL that MAGA "would be happy to lock up folks on the Right [sic] or [Left] who sell out their office." What you mean is you'd be happy to lock up anyone who displeases your golden god. MAGA has been malding about the Trump verdict for days.

You may be chuckling, but your schtick stopped being funny a long time ago.

PS: I just want to be clear about one thing: the prosecutors in this case were going to offer Hunter Biden a plea deal for this charge. It was actually *Republicans* (and at this point "Republicans" and "MAGA" are interchangeable) who howled for this case to go forward to trial, even though typically charges like these are pled out. So please don't eve try to pretend this trial happened in lieu of a trial for bigger nonexistent bribery charges. You just wanted to punish this recovering addict for having the name "Biden." Meanwhile Jared Kushner walked away from his time in Trump's government with $2 BILLION DOLLARS from the Saudis--actual money compared to the hilariously small amounts you claimed the now-wealthy Bidens were willing to break the law for--and you've never said boo about it.

Y'all are just out for vengeance. You just want to punish ANYone who isn't exactly like you. You are that scared of change. And that is why your movement will never gain any traction except among other angry so-called white people.

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Jun 12Liked by Nina Burleigh

Oh and one more thing: you know who's a convicted felon and has multiple guns in violation of his parole?


Just guess.

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Bannon, surely. General Q anon Flynn likely. Trump probably doesn't know how to use a gun, but he has armed goons.

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Actually, Trump also has guns. Three of them, apparently.


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BS? Biden family received 35 million wire transfers from Romania, Russia, Kazakstan, China, Ukraine. 220 Suspicious Activity Reports filed by banks to the U.S. Treasury Dept on the Bidens. Those are facts. You are also lying or confused about Hunter's case. No Republicans were involved in his investigation and trial. Investigation into his dealings has been ongoing since 2014. The judge threw out the ridiculous 'deal' he was offered, and the judge isn't a Republican. The deal was evidence of improper behavior by the prosecutor.

Why are you so sure about things that aren't true? How dare you lecture and correct me when you literally have no idea what you are talking about?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

Dear Mr. West, Thank you for coming over here to share your views. It's rare that we get to hear from areal live MAGA on this site. A couple things. The only source for your facts above seems to be John Solomon. Solomon started out at the AP,. like I did, but went off the rails a while ago, and has been mobbed up with Trump's document case (Trump for some reason named him and Kash Patel as trustees of the materials if I understand right) and has a long history of spewing conspiracy theories about Biden. I have no problem with opinions, but you will want to check everything he reports against the gold standard news outlets - Bloomberg, Reuters, AP. If you do not see Solomon's facts there, you should be suspicious.

Beyond that, Mr. West. it would be nice to hear not why you dislike Biden but why you LIKE Trump. Here at the Freakshow, we've not been able to discern too many human and decent qualities --- although I will admit his instability has a certain entertainment value. Last night in Vegas, for example, he went on a ramble about electrocuting sharks ... But entertainment value has to be weighed against the negatives of his instincts for encouraging belligerent divisive politics, fascism (Proud Boys stand by, J6) corruption (currently he is openly offering to sell policies to interested parties), misogyny. The list of negatives could be longer but must be off to other work now.

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So you attack the source instead of deal with the facts. What's wrong with you Nina? Morgan Stanley publicly testified to this. The congressional record verifies it. The wire transfers are all public record not too, there is no dispute about these facts. Just your lying. What's wrong with you, Nina? I don't even like Trump, you hack. I did vote for him cuz Biden and the Dems have gone rabidly radical. And I'll be as belligerent as a I like to a lying hack like you 24/7/365 - you earn it by your ridiculously partisan, dishonest articles.

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I'll overlook your ad hominem insults for now, thanks.

Can you be more specific about how Biden and the Dems are "rabidly radical"? What is your basis for that? Because to us actual left wing radicals they seem pretty centrist.

And here's the factcheck on the allegation that Joe Biden benefited from moneys going to his son. IF the GOP had proof of President or VEEP involvement, they would have put it out there. They did not.


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And here's the actual report in the investigation into the Biden Crime Family, for readers here interested in facts instead of lies and spin. Biden and the Fed govt have fought tooth and nail to prevent the release of many documents. Anyone who thinks the Bidens are clean and that this is all ginned up nonsense should read this report. https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Interim-Staff-Report-A-President-Compromised-The-Biden-Family-Investigation-1.pdf

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Just the recent re-interpretation of Title IX to let males into female bathrooms and locker rooms and sports is hyper radical. It's an implementation of Queer Theory, a radical, neo-Marxist/postmodern set of hypotheses with no basis in biological science about the nature of human sexuality. His implementation of the most aggressive DEI, anti-white policies and illegal quotas across the Fed govt (already getting sued and losing over it). His aggressive mandatory approach to the vax. 2 trillion plus a year in deficit spending, that has nothing to do with COVID. The 'mini green new deal' disguised as the Inflation Reduction Act, driving massive Green Agenda into industry without regard to cost, disruption, or even the actual science. And he put an AutoGynophile cross dresser, 'Trans' person as asst secy of Health.

He's released 10s of billions of funding to Iran. who's leadership leads chants of 'Death to America'. He's allowed 10 million illegals from around the world to break into this country based on utterly BS asylum claims.

Should I go on? And I'll insult you all day long - you are a lying hack, Nina. You should be embarrassed to so partisan and dishonest, have you no shame?

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Facts? WHERE IS THAT WRITTEN? WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT INFORMATION? If you can’t give reliable, valid references, STFU. You are spreading misinformation. And who the Fuck are YOU to tell people they are “confused” about any case? What an arrogant, brainwashed, gaslighting ass. Show some references.

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