I’m the father of two very successful and liberally-minded 40-ish year old mothers, and I’ve always been an advocate for strong, independent women. The world would likely be a much better place if (mostly) women ran things. I could add plenty to the list of DEI males (can we just say, “Idiots?”), but rather, how about a list of the world’s most awful women? Yes, of COURSE it’s a short list: That’s the whole point. The contrast is rather stark. I would start with Condi Rice as one of the pivotal instigators of the disastrous Iraq war. One could argue that Margaret Thatcher was rather brutal in some ways, but at least she’s not responsible for the deaths of a half-million Iraqis (and thousands of Americans) like Condi, W, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc. Phyllis Shlafly also comes to mind as a hugely influential woman on the negative side of social progress, being perhaps singly responsible for the Equal Rights Amendment getting shit-canned decades ago. Imelda Marcos. Maybe Marie Antoinette. But in the grand scheme of things, they’re all at the 1% level compared to men in the great pantheon of human misery. Comments welcome.
Let’s not forget Nixon and Kissinger. Hell, let’s add every man in leadership since the beginning of time. The world — an unbelievable shit-show, we all live in was created by and for men.
May I suggest a better list? Warrior women throughout history. I’ll start with the YPJ. The Kurdish Women fighters who ended ISIS.
If I remember rightly, the Secret Service got into some trouble a few years ago because they were drinking heavily and cavorting with prostitutes during international travels. I believe the agents involved were . . .how does one say it? Male?
I had seen Christopher Russo's ridiculous smear of the female Secret Service agents who were allegedly responsible for what he strongly implied was a "botched" attempt to protect Trump's misspent and odious life. Here is my response to him:
*If blame is to be assigned to any single contributor to Trump's vulnerability during the security breach, that blame should be assigned to the stubbornness, vanity, histrionics and megalomania of Trump himself.*
Trump chose the venue. Trump has repeatedly thwarted any legislation or even discussion of the need for regulation of firearms in this country. Trump has consistently pushed back on the notion that "his people" could wish to harm him. AND TRUMP LITERALLY FOUGHT WITH THE AGENTS WHO STRUGGLED TO PROTECT HIM AT THEIR OWN PERIL IN ORDER TO HAM IT UP FOR HIS AUDIENCE AND THE CAMERAS.
Blaming the women agents for being smaller than their charge, for being forced to struggle to protect that addled man as he performed his "defiance" show for the cameras and his adoring rally goers, is like blaming the victim of rape for having invited her attacker's lust.
In short, blaming the female Secret Service agents is utterly predictable.
One postscript to your comments on the value of women working in institutions: the major whistleblowers in both the Enron and Worldcom frauds were women. Another reason to endorse DEI.
Yep. The Radical Right knows that if they fail at completely subjugating women, their dreams of the ultimate patriarchy will surely fail. Women and our democracy-loving men need to stand up BIG for women’s rights now.
1) I thought that the client, e.g. TFG, could veto agents. But he didn't veto this woman. 2) So all SS agents should be male, probably white, Christian, straight, a certain height and build, and just LOOK like SS agents, and wear cultural blinders that they are unaware of.
I’m the father of two very successful and liberally-minded 40-ish year old mothers, and I’ve always been an advocate for strong, independent women. The world would likely be a much better place if (mostly) women ran things. I could add plenty to the list of DEI males (can we just say, “Idiots?”), but rather, how about a list of the world’s most awful women? Yes, of COURSE it’s a short list: That’s the whole point. The contrast is rather stark. I would start with Condi Rice as one of the pivotal instigators of the disastrous Iraq war. One could argue that Margaret Thatcher was rather brutal in some ways, but at least she’s not responsible for the deaths of a half-million Iraqis (and thousands of Americans) like Condi, W, Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Feith, etc. Phyllis Shlafly also comes to mind as a hugely influential woman on the negative side of social progress, being perhaps singly responsible for the Equal Rights Amendment getting shit-canned decades ago. Imelda Marcos. Maybe Marie Antoinette. But in the grand scheme of things, they’re all at the 1% level compared to men in the great pantheon of human misery. Comments welcome.
Let’s not forget Nixon and Kissinger. Hell, let’s add every man in leadership since the beginning of time. The world — an unbelievable shit-show, we all live in was created by and for men.
May I suggest a better list? Warrior women throughout history. I’ll start with the YPJ. The Kurdish Women fighters who ended ISIS.
If I remember rightly, the Secret Service got into some trouble a few years ago because they were drinking heavily and cavorting with prostitutes during international travels. I believe the agents involved were . . .how does one say it? Male?
I had seen Christopher Russo's ridiculous smear of the female Secret Service agents who were allegedly responsible for what he strongly implied was a "botched" attempt to protect Trump's misspent and odious life. Here is my response to him:
*If blame is to be assigned to any single contributor to Trump's vulnerability during the security breach, that blame should be assigned to the stubbornness, vanity, histrionics and megalomania of Trump himself.*
Trump chose the venue. Trump has repeatedly thwarted any legislation or even discussion of the need for regulation of firearms in this country. Trump has consistently pushed back on the notion that "his people" could wish to harm him. AND TRUMP LITERALLY FOUGHT WITH THE AGENTS WHO STRUGGLED TO PROTECT HIM AT THEIR OWN PERIL IN ORDER TO HAM IT UP FOR HIS AUDIENCE AND THE CAMERAS.
Blaming the women agents for being smaller than their charge, for being forced to struggle to protect that addled man as he performed his "defiance" show for the cameras and his adoring rally goers, is like blaming the victim of rape for having invited her attacker's lust.
In short, blaming the female Secret Service agents is utterly predictable.
… and utterly reprehensible
One postscript to your comments on the value of women working in institutions: the major whistleblowers in both the Enron and Worldcom frauds were women. Another reason to endorse DEI.
Extremely important postscript! Should be a part 2. Thanksyou.
My mother often used the term educated idiots.
Oh, please don’t leave out “W” Bush and Dick Cheney’s “Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION! Or Ronald Reagan’s Iran Contra Affair!
To them we re all witches they forgot to burn.
Nice work with the list of male fuck-ups.
Yep. The Radical Right knows that if they fail at completely subjugating women, their dreams of the ultimate patriarchy will surely fail. Women and our democracy-loving men need to stand up BIG for women’s rights now.
Thank you Nina!
Exxon-Valdez Spill
2nd Iraq War:,’W’ Bush
Dick Cheney hunting trip shooting a male friend in the face.
Bay of Pigs:,JFK took responsibility
‘The Big Lie:,TFG himself.
TFG victim of own rhetoric.
Bought the new book!
Can’t wait!: What email to use?
Right on and write on!
No, there is nothing.
1) I thought that the client, e.g. TFG, could veto agents. But he didn't veto this woman. 2) So all SS agents should be male, probably white, Christian, straight, a certain height and build, and just LOOK like SS agents, and wear cultural blinders that they are unaware of.
Failing to say, "Ohhhhhhh....Donald, you're the greatest!"
Re "Condi Rice as one of the pivotal instigators of the disastrous Iraq war." do not forget that 9/11
likely happened because she didn't understand her briefing that middle-eastern pilots were learning to take off, but not land.