Nov 5, 2023Liked by Nina Burleigh

Nina thank you for pointing out Ohio! I’ve lived here all my life and it has never been worse! We’re surrounded by far right trump supporters! 😳😳 I see the commercials with Mike Dewine/wife lying about the amendment language nightly. I’m hopeful though that issue 1will pass but it is going to be close. David Peppers has been sounding the alarm! It’s not just issue 1, these lunatics are going hard after the public schools with their vouchers. I just recently found out that our school has a religious organization working in the schools. It’s called Lifewise. For k-5 grades, they use their recess time to learn about Jesus! Supposedly legal as it’s run by volunteers, it’s voluntary to join and it’s supposed to be done off school property. Indoctrination at its finest.

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Horrifying but you are NOT alone. Keep me posted on developments, please.

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Will do!

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Has anyone contacted Freedom From Religion Foundation

They have Lawyers that can guide or help you.

This is Urgent

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I’m not sure. But we have school board elections tomorrow. One of the candidates mentioned something about keeping religion out of school. I’m planning on going to school board meeting next month.

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PS: Want to see them get Upset.thats a sure fire way,

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Nina Burleigh

This is all stomach-turning, of course, but I thank you for a wonderful laugh: "men-without-women in red hats and red shoes."

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Nina Burleigh

“Our opponents are not just uninformed or unchurched. They are often deeply wounded people whom the devil can easily take advantage of."

So says the Devil.

Thanks Nina.

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Thank you so much. How terrifying ! I am a Roman Catholic and very concerned by how often my religion has been infiltrated by people who engage in abuse, cruelty , discrimination, exclusion, violence and war-mongering. Over fifty years ago, I started reading books written by holocaust survivors, then survivors of the Gulag, books about World War II , then books by Buddhists on peace activism, then I read books by integrators like Jarad Diamond , Jeremy Lent, then I read a book by Nancy Mclean and other authors who write about the return of the right, then I started reading about the science altruism, compassion, kindness and intergenerational trauma. Yikes there is a lot happening. I started to read new books on the topics of inequality, our environmental crises, Indigenous writers. After Roe versus Wade, I was really despondent ,until I found Heather Cox Richardson , Substack and Democracy Now. Each new crisis sends me off reading again. Since President Joseph Biden became President, I was feeling more hopeful. I am Irish Canadian and now I ma glued to US politics because what happens in the US has such an impact everywhere else. As I said after the shock of Roe versus Wade, I bought books by Obery M. Hendricks, Kristin Kobe du Mez. There is a lot to read. It seems we lurch from one crisis to another. I find Riane Eisler's way of looking at life very interesting. https://thesystemsthinker.com/leading-the-shift-from-a-dominator-to-a-partnership-culture/

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Thanks so much. I am a Roman Catholic and I really thank you.

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Its Very Important

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