Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

Thank you Nina!

GOP: the cruelty is the point!

As VP: does she oversee TFG’s camps?

I truly worry about her treatment of people if this is her treatment of animals.

Don’t forget: serial killers often harm animals first.

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

This is spot-on. America is country founded on violence as a fix for any and all “problems”--be it indigenous people blocking the wheels of commerce or a president looking to topple the leader his father left in power.

“The optics of the faux frontier have been essential to modern Republican Party messaging at least since Ronald Reagan, the actor on his movie horse playing movie cowboy. There is no more frontier in America except for that between entitlement and wealth and poverty and despair. But the mythology of the hard-spirited pioneer is coded into the culture of people whose horses are couches, whose horizons are giant flat-screen TVs, and whose roughest vittles are endless bags of Door Dashed Chick-fil-A and fries and Diet Coke.”

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I'm old enough to remember fake ass 'rancher' Bush Jr., who has a pathological fear of horses. He sold the fake ranch right quick and fled to suburbia after he was done with his 8 year wrecking party

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

From dog whistling to dog shooting.

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

Womans 'all hat and no cows, nor brains as they say in Texas and GA. She and Greene kin?

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

I didn't think Republican cruelty could shock me anymore, but surprise. Puppy killing trumps brown babies in cages.

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Seriously. It's almost more disturbing knowing that THIS is the line.

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How tough she thinks she is.....

I bet she's scared witless of fireflies, spiders, Praying Mantises, snakes, toads, frogs, lizards, and bees.

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She sure isn't scared of Botox, collagen and silicone. Fake cowgirl, fake body parts...typical R trash

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May 1Liked by Nina Burleigh

Well, this explains the increasing rhetoric among the wanna-fascists about who's a True American and who's not, as well as all the yelling about "civil war"... they're setting the new frontier as a political one and casting themselves as the brave individualists proving their strength and determination by making their own way blah blah, while the other side is the dark threatening realm of savages and bizarre alien cultures.

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May 1Liked by Nina Burleigh

Manifest destiny, Lebenstraum, Trail of Tears. It was all a lie so that we could feel better sbout ourselves. Wherever we went, someone else already lived there. So we did the only thing we could.

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The cruelty has always been the point.

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh

Wealth Supremacy, largely fostered by the Friedman Doctrine and corporately controlled mass media has enabled death cult colonizers to dominate American life and Western civilization in general. Three things:1) Frame Lab has the publication playbook on framing characterization of the problem & actors: Like TFG in court - tired, weak & trapped. 2) Karen Tamerius’ group Smart Politics has the one-on-one & small group comm guidelines that expedite finding gut level shared perspective as the gateway to allowing facts to start entering the conversation & developing constructive common ground established at gut level. 3) Democracy Collaborative & specifically senior fellow, Marjorie Kelly’s book, Wealth Supremacy…. provides the concise history illustrating how & why we got where we are & shows positive working alternatives. <> None of the above fit in 2,4, & 6 yr. election cycles but all three comprise an excellent how-to, democracy defender handbook that collectively can jui jitsu zombie death cult fascism on it’s back. It’s going to take time for a tipping point % of the 75 million MAGA people to see a brighter way of living but the guidelines can be used to create a significant enough rejection of Trumpism in November, that it will stand the historic test of time to vilify the violence Trump and his fascist mafia state handlers have been engineering. It will help in the short term defense of democracy as the wave of unjustified violence they promise to deliver is launched.

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May 1Liked by Nina Burleigh

Exceptional piece Nina! These United States have become a place where murder, rape, racism and violence are celebrated. Man’s inhumanity towards humanity has sickened me for my whole existence. Likely since the beginning of time on this old blue ball!

Thanks Nina for this and all you do!!

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Apr 30Liked by Nina Burleigh


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May 1Liked by Nina Burleigh

So good! We have to move beyond the old way of seeing ourselves and fortunately we have a president who sees and acts on that. His view is global and cooperative instead of walled in and confrontational. And boy does that chap the hides of the faux frontiersmen and women. There is hope of these people sit down and shut up and melt into the earth to join those fossils they so want to burn…if not, we are royally screwed.

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Puppy killer!!!

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May 3Liked by Nina Burleigh

Fake for certain!

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May 3Liked by Nina Burleigh

Rereading the account of Krusty Gnome killing the puppy and then a goat made me sick all over again. I really don’t care what other bs she spews about being a real “cowgirl” (I had a fringy outfit too when I was 5 .. never thought about killing any animals. Just the boy Jimmy who played cowboys with us. My dog penny was a cow in the game). If anyone has ever had to euthanize their animal they know how heart wrenching it is, how careful and calm the doctor is, how devasted you feel when they tell you that your baby’s heart has stopped. And you try to tell yourself why you did it and how you hoped it would end the suffering and prevent further harm to the animal. And you still hate it. I know I could never toss an animal in a gravel pit and blow it away feeling as self justified as the Gnome does for no good reason. Im sure she wouldn’t think twice about doling out the same to irritating migrants….Perhaps I go too far. But what kind of monster do we want to put next to the monster in chief?

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No way would a real cowboy treat an animal like that

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