Welcome to my first audio post.
In less than ten minutes, you can cue this up and hear my thoughts on the normalization of Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who this week urged Americans to repent, in the face of earthquakes and the coming eclipse.
In a functioning democracy, every lunatic has a right to vote. In that way, we should be proud of Rep. Greene. She has a real, if deranged, constituency. But, like Trump in the White House, Greene’s presence in Congress has normalized the deeply abnormal. The voters of Georgia’s 14th District have sent her to Congress for two terms so far. The title, office, and taxpayer-funded salary legitimize a conspiracy theorist who has personally harassed school shooting survivors because she believes the blood lettings are “false flag” actions designed to separate armed Americans from their precious AR-15s.
Greene’s name should never be uttered on television or published online or in paper without a link to the video of her harassing David Hogg, a teen survivor of the Valentine’s Day 2018 school shooting that killed 17 people. In the video, Greene, carrying a large beige tote bag and a single-use plastic bottle of water, is stalking Hogg on a sidewalk near Capitol Hill, where he was lobbying for gun reforms in March 2019. Here is the video.
Think about this: A congresswoman got her start in politics harassing a teenager, and not just any teenager, but the traumatized survivor of a school shooting. She accused him of being funded by George Soros. She called him “a coward.” She even warned him that she had her own gun in her purse.
Forget earthquakes and eclipses: her election to and continuing presence in the U.S. Congress is the greatest and most astounding miracle of all.
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