I wonder if there's an executive order or something Biden can issue to overwrite all of these loopholes. You know, since he's officially immune to prosecution for managing the business of the country.. ?

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good question

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Of course he can!!!! And he certainly should!! ALL OFFICIAL ACTS! Let the legal battles fall where they may, he could make MANY BOLD STATEMENTS! I’m all for it!!!!

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Need to.

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This is hugely important. I have been scared since 2021, when Republican state legislatures started passing legislation to allow them to override the results of votes because they did not 'trust' them, i.e. the wrong side won - so they can certify someone else instead. Nobody has been been talking much about this. It's about time a LOT of people were - out loud, in public. It's a scandal that legislatures would simply give themselves the power to change voting results, but that's exactly what they have done in many places.

Time to beat some drums, loudly.

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Time to SCREAM about it so that everyone fully understands!! I’m in Texas with Nazi Abbott and Nazi Paxton!!!

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I escaped from living in Tx for 30 years, last under little Abbott. The Texas brand Nazi title fits so well. Sad, when will good and decent Texans overthrow the extremists?

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Wellllll . . . Don't really "like" this but appreciate getting the word out. We still appear headed for a rocky time of it unless we can transfer the enthusiasm into actual votes come November.

A 65 -35 plurality might do the job, but the insidiousness of the "christian" right and the GOP cannot be underestimated.

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Thank you Nina!

Opening salvo of Project 2025!

They want election in the House where R’s have a majority as 1 vote per delegation.

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Ignore what they say because it is all bull to distract but watch the FUCK outta what they DO!

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This is so concerning and has been something I have anticipated ever since tfg has been saying he didn’t “need” any more votes. He must know that there are lots of people making sure that no matter how many votes get cast, he “wins”. We have work to do before the “fake” electors manage to do ultimate damage again. Support Mark Elias. I’m sure his team is working on this.

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My thoughts exactly. Why would he not be worried about votes? And his actions in the last couple of days, for instance, don’t really make him look like a guy who is worried about capturing votes either. Its more like he’s running interference … capturing the “mike” but only to raise hackles and consume air.

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Remember little Ducker Don shrinking at a table as Angela Markel hovered over him? I’m guessing Ducker Don goes to sleep at night clutching his Teddy bear hoping to be protected from dreaming about Harris.

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Freedom, free markets, small government ... and tyranny. Look how far the Republican Party has come. Good thing the Supreme Court has also given our current president has immunity. Great piece, Nina.

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Thanks for summing this up so well. I have been worried about this scenario since they flubbed 2020. They learned a lot and will not make the same mistakes again. Once again, the Dems seem poised to play softball while the GOP and Project 2025 have learned to play murder ball. The rules of engagement are laudable -- but only if both sides abide by them. Trump losing the election (which I think he probably will) will just be the start of the real American shit show.

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Well done, and of course, frightening. What bums. Should this come to pass, I will go to Switzerland. Feel free to draw your own conclusions.

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Sharing WIDELY! 👏❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

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It seems President Biden can really shake things up before completing his term by authorizing the DOJ to start prosecution if Trump, Mike Flynn, the lying conservative SCOTUS judges, Leonard Leo, & Heritage Foundation for treason, using the espionage act. Meticulously show how they are in league with Putin & his allies to destroy democracy in the USA. There’s already a lot in the public record detailing their machinations. It’s time to bust through the cognitive dissonance surrounding how radical these perpetrators are. They’re overthrowing our form of government. We need to respond like we intend to preserve and strengthen democracy, not stand there staring at glaring oncoming disaster like deer in headlights. Buden’s DOJ needs to start the job and hand it off to Harris.

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Thank you for this well researched heads-up. Maddow spoke of it on Monday. It is a deep concern that the thrill of the Harris candidacy may blind us to this enormous threat. These plotters are not fools and they have been working at it for a long time with lots of money...and this sneaky German guy...wtf?! Getting out the vote will be immaterial if these slugs have the whole thing rigged, and with each day that brings wider support for Harris, this possibility grows. They will do anything to win. Sharing this and talking it up at every opportunity. Please keep up your great work!

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Let’s not just hope … lets make sure there are folks working on this with eyes open. They need to see this article for starters. And what else?

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Exceptional piece Nina, thanks for sharing!!!

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Excellent, informative article

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