I lived in TN for six years, between 2007 and 2013. It got worse and worse. More and more right wing crap pushed through the legislature with the Republican supermajority and Republican governor. It is a fascist state. What you wrote about this special session is all the evidence you need of that.

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Yes the source who tipped me to this is thinking of moving.

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Just what the Justins need—a little less local support.

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No woman should be expected to stay for any reason in one of these backward, criminalized maternal healthcare states.

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Thanks Nina for the decency and dignity of your posts !

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I didn't know about the song. Hearing about it made me angry and sad. I don't understand how terrorizing children with this gun obsession helps anyone. It's sad and pathetic.

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Fuck the Tennessee Taliban and a pox on their supporters. The South is now a sinking ship of fascism, and it’s time for our family to join the great migration.

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"Gun violence is the leading cause of death of American children and teens."

How very sad...

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I do not understand this gun love; any of it. I find it to be a kind of sickness.

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Amen, my friend.

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