Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

Thanks, Nina; once again, brilliantly written.

Kari Lake (Q-Pluto—hat tip to Jay Kuo for that one) certainly looks like she’s ready for prime time on Fox and Friends, doesn’t she?

It’s also worth mentioning that the AZ abortion law from 1864 is, oh, only 56 YEARS prior to women’s suffrage in 1920 through the 19th Amendment. As a side note, I’m proud to mention that Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the giants of the women’s suffrage movement and a friend of Susan B. Anthony’s, is a blood relative: My paternal grandmother was a Cady.

Of course, 1864 seems relatively modern compared to Alito’s reference in his Dobbs decision to a 12th-Century religious (not legal) penalty for abortion: https://www.salon.com/2022/10/13/deceit-how-sam-alito-snuck-medieval-state-christianity-into-the-dobbs-opinion/.

You can’t make this stuff up. As the old writer’s credo goes, “What’s the difference between fiction and non-fiction? Fiction has to make sense.”

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

all very true and very relevant - but in 2016, over half of white women voters voted for Trump, and it may have been the same in 2020. How can this be? How does he get a single vote of a woman? Why does it not matter to all voters that the president should be a decent human being - one who will have to make decisions not dealt with by party platforms during his term of office, so being decent and honest and intelligent are all that voters have to go on to have some comfort that the right decisions will be made.

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I don’t want to make excuses for the white women who voted for Trump in

2016 but the “majority” story is a myth.. Based on exit polls.

The validated post vote count is 47 percent. Still disgusting. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

I think of the most piggish things I've ever heard in a locker room, and by contrast, the misguided youths I grew up with in the 70s and 80s were relative saints by the devolving standards you've outlined so well, Nina. I stopped understanding all of this after Access Hollywood.

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You’re so right about the Access Hollywood tape “moment of inflection”. When that event didn’t immediately destroy Trump’s candidacy, we knew a massive roach infestation in the racist, fascist, bigoted, misogynist, incel woodpile had been knocked open. Or maybe the demons flying out of a metaphorical open gate to hell. Either way, that was our wake up call. Vote BLUE, because our lives depend on it!

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

Thank you Nina!

This needed to be said!

Women are not stupid; and know TFG WILL sign a nationwide ban if reelected.

Ladies: the choice in November is Biden or Dictatorship. Vote like lives depend on it as they do. Vote Blue up and down the ballot.

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

The misogyny in this country is embarrassing for all Americans! Thanks Nina, for putting this idiocy into words!!

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

Absolutely this....!!

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Apr 17Liked by Nina Burleigh

Say it Sister!!

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Apr 18Liked by Nina Burleigh

Spot on as always, Ms Burleigh, thank you! There can be no excuse for women voting for T - and there wasn’t in 2016. I do wonder what they were thinking…

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Apr 18Liked by Nina Burleigh

It's a terrible waste of talent and intelligence to ignore half of the population because of their gender. Would we be ready to set sail for the stars today? We will never know.

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Apr 18Liked by Nina Burleigh

Being a 50's era child , I've seen all the fights to become equal.

I saw a BIG difference between the work force of the 70's vs the 2000's.

70's, once I priced I was wanting/willing to do the (construction) work...I was accepted. 2000 or so , they younger guys sneared at me. And I was old enough to be their grandmother's vin some cases. NO respect.

Just thinking today about showing a new guy how to rig a pipe to be brought up...his partner on the lift said he couldn't be

I knew how to do that...I wanted to say that I've done so before he was born...

Or...it's like macrame, knitting, crochet...

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